November 15, 2009

Well then...

Hey! It's been awhile since I posted. I have been pretty busy/tired/in a funk, but I'm trying to get back in my groove!

I have been working for the most part, and stressing. I have had my first car trouble in 10 years and it's been quite frustrating. It's come at a time when I'm making considerably less than ever and it just makes life that much more frustrating. I'm over it now, cause, well, it's my first car trouble in 10 years, I should be happy that nothing more has come up sooner. I mean I have had about 5 broken windshields in the last 2 years, but hey, that's what insurance is for! I actually got one coming home tonight! Nationwide, I'll be calling you soon!

I've been watching all these cooking shows and watching them cook delicious food, meanwhile I eat Ramen and frozen pizza! This is something I'm working on. I love cooking, when things go my way and when I understand a recipe. The trouble is, I work a 10 hour day and get home 12 hours after I left, and then making dinner seems to be the last thing on my mind, but that's gonna change. I started tonight. I made Pork Chops (my least favorite dish, but Joe's FAVORITE) with Homemade potato chips (that was an experiment gone ok, but not great) and then my favorite Green Bean Casserole and to finish it off I sauteed some mushrooms and onions! It was delicious! I still have a kitchen to clean, but hey the first step is getting the meal made! My big goal this week is to make Mushroom Risotto!! I LOVE risotto and I LOVE mushrooms, so I can't really see this going bad! I do make a pretty fine risotto too if I don't say so myself!

I've also started the big push to make my Christmas cards! I have a bunch to make and not a ton of time to make them in, but I'm cropping this weekend and I hope to knock out a bunch!! Here is one that I have already made!

Crafting is so fun! Nice and refreshing and relaxing! I can't wait to share more creations!

Let's see, I've also been spending a lot of time with Sophie. She is proving to be quite the challenge, but the sweetest little pumpkin ever. I found it kinda funny today when she wouldn't go near Joe while I was at work! He had to open the back door and move away from it just so Sophie could get up the nerve to run outside. She is quite a girl! I have bought 2 alternatives to leashes to help her stop pulling on her walks, or to keep her from biting another dog! Yesterday she proved the halty was no match for her and ripped off her halty and tried to tear off after a little weiner dog! She made me trip over her and I fell on top of her and we both ended up on the ground on a big heap of each other! That was quite the embarassing moment in front of my neighbors! Thanks Sophie!! I'm hoping I can get her socialized cause I know she would like to go out and about more!

So keep checking back to see what creations I've got going in the kitchen and in the craft room! I wanted to make cookies tonight, but unfortunately I don't have smooth peanut butter and so there goes that fun! Maybe a plan for tomorrow night!!

Happy Day!



  1. Good luck with the cooking! I'll send you any recipes I come across that I think you might like. How did you make the potato chips?

  2. We will have to have mandolin lessons/trials your next trip down Erin. Have you mastered yours yet? I haven't tried, so I don't know how easy or difficult it is.... *Ü*

  3. So far there is nothing EASY about that Mandolin!!! Well, it does clean up pretty easy!

  4. Love the Christmas card you did!! I am taking the cheater way out and buying mine. I am working two jobs myself (one 32 hours a week, the other 30 hours or so a week), so time is not a luxury of mine either, so I can sympathize. Where do you crop?

  5. Hello Lisa!! wanted to say how much I am enjoying your blog! miss seeing you guys........Brandy
