January 8, 2010

Crate Training 101

First rule in anything is if at first you don't succeed, try, try, again! That is how my day is going today. Sophie has had her last accident in the house today. I can't for the life of me figure out why she is peeing in my house when I'm not home. She goes to the bathroom no less than 2 times before I leave on ANY given day!

When she was new to our house about 4 months ago, we attempted crate training for this very reason. She was reluctant to go in the crate for anyone other than me! That posed a big problem since Joe leaves after me every day and if he can't get her in the crate then it just won't work.

Attempt one may have been flawed for many reasons. She hadn't yet learned to trust Joe. Now she will follow him anywhere. Another issue may have been location. I put the crate up in the downstairs bedroom thinking she could have privacy and not have Kahlua rubbing it in her face that she wasn't in a crate. Sophie freaked out.

Dad mentioned to me, how when Kahlua was in a crate it was always in a central location where she could go in an out of it at anytime when we were home, and actually preferred it at times for naps! For this attempt at crate training it's set-up in the living room which is very central to all parts of our house. I think this might work.

She was first in it when I was home and wandering about, putting the Christmas tree away (yes like 2 weeks after Christmas, I know!!) and cleaning up her mess. She barked at first but eventually laid down and relaxed. I then let her out and immediately took her outside so she understood that when you leave the crate you go right outside and pee!! She did really well and was relatively calm!

I then got Joe to try to get her to go in the crate, and I think with a treat upon entry she will go quite willingly!! I'm thankful for that! Tomorrow will be her first time spent in there with me and Joe gone from the house, so we'll see how that goes. She has been wandering in and out of it most of the night, laying down and getting back up, so hopefully it can become her safe spot!!!

I'll let you know how her first time alone in the crate goes along with how the Chicken and Dumplings recipe I'm super excited to try goes!!

Happy Day!



  1. I don't envy you trying to crate train. We tried that the one and only time we had an indoor dog and it was difficult at first too. Eventually it just became part of his routine and from then on out it was smooth sailing.

    I am interested in knowing how well she does. She seems to be a smart dog, so I imagine she will adjust quite nicely.

    PS: I am just now getting all my Christmas stuff packed away - so don't feel bad!

  2. Thanks Amber! Joe only left th house for about 10 mins today, but from what I was told she did lovely for those 10 mins! I think she will get the hang of it. She acts like she has used one before, so just getting the routine in motion is what I think she needs!
